I find myself wanting more nuance from Dirksen as the book
goes on. I find myself saying, “Yes but…” more often, especially in Chapter 6. There
is nothing factually untrue with what Dirksen, but I think her choice of
emphasis risks playing into some common misconceptions (and, thus in itself,
not causing enough “friction” to overcome those misconceptions). One common
misconception is that students
should never be told anything directly. In fact, that misconception is so
pernicious that is was also addressed by Wiggins and McTeague in Understanding by Design in 2005 and by Hattie
and Yates in Visible Learning and the
Science of How We Learn in 2014. Dirksen comes close to reinforcing this
misconception in her discussion of friction and stickiness. Sometimes, if
students have sufficient background knowledge, that form of direct instruction
is the most efficient use of students’ working memory. It is more of a call,
based on the teacher’s pedagogical-content
knowledge (PCK), as to when telling is most appropriate. Otherwise, cognitive
load theorists would argue that processing is being wasted on extraneous
cognitive load instead of germane cognitive
load. Likewise, if one is not familiar with Clark and Meyer’s Engagement
Matrix (also known with slight modification as “The
Activity Grid”). Cognitive engagement does not require behavioural
activity; students can be engaged psychologically without behavioural activity (“Principled Presentations”) or along with behavioural activity (“Principled
Engagement”). This misconception can lead to some of the worst kinds of
so-called “constructivist” lesson planning, where some behavioural activity
with limited psychological engagement does not activate or stimulate learning.
Another common misconception is that all student struggle to
learn is positive and equal. While some struggle or “friction” is good, there
is an optimal level of arousal that must be achieved for learning to occur. As I noted last week,
a stressed, upset, or frustrated student’s amygdala will likely not root
information for higher-order processing. That principle has been known for over
100 years; it’s known as the Yerkes-Dodson Law,
which found a curvilinear relationship between arousal and performance. At both
the low end of arousal and the high end of arousal, performance degrades.
Students need to stay within the range of good “friction.” Too much friction
and learning will not be as efficient.
Finally, since I also brought up the concept of “attention
span” last week parenthetically (“The brain must stop paying attention to new
information (attention span) to replenish the executive function.”), I don’t
think it was correct for Derksen to be so dismissive about attention spans,
that the concept is “silly.” I don’t think it’s a particularly good comparison
between a learning situation and watching a movie since as she has already
previously explained why we remember stories better than information. Attention
span is how long we can devote to thinking hard
about something. And, yes, there will be variations in attention span from
person to person, day to day, and topic to topic. And the general guideline is
that one can concentrate and think hard for roughly the equivalent of one’s age
in minutes. I think that’s a good guideline to use. If you say that the concept
of attention span is “silly,” you run the risk of people misinterpreting that
idea and thinking that hours-long lectures are productive. In fact, most of her
suggestions for keeping learners’ attention are strategies for replenishing
executive function and reinforcing schema building and consolidation.
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