Just a note to welcome anyone participating in the ETMOOC! Welcome to my blog! As you can tell, I don't blog much. I also don't tweet much or Facebook much, etc. I'm quite introverted, so I think it will be interesting to see if I can keep up in a "networked" environment.
I currently work in at an Ontario community college as an eLearning Designer. I help the faculty convert their F2F courses to hybrid and online formats. I have previously worked as a free-lance eLearning designer and developer as well as an instructional designer and project manager for a full-service eLearning provider. My background is actually in English, though, and I taught in-class and online previously.
I am quite proficient in Web accessibility. I have admin-level experience on 6 different LMSs, although I haven't had a chance to check out Canvas by Instructure yet in any detail. I can get around pretty well in Adobe Creative Suite. I'm not the greatest coder in the world, but I can still make my own multimedia if all of our media professionals are busy. Here's a piece that I did that precedes a blog reflection by the students: Virtual Crime Prevention. I also have experience with Captivate, Camtasia, Softchalk, as well as other software developer tools. I've studied numerous instructional design theories, assessment techniques, and educational psychology. I'm always willing to learn more. I would like to do more research along the lines of Mayer's e-Learning and the Science of Instruction.
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